Didn't I introduce myself?


Mar 3, 2024
Reaction score
How rude of me, I am sorry, I thought I did, but now I think I didn't.

Well, whatever, introductions: I am a 54yo Dutch amateur. Grew up with the TRS-80, ZX-81 and ZX Spectrum. In college I learned MS/DOS at a pretty low level (int 21h anyone?), later OS/400, a bit xenix. I have always been more of a CLI guy. I liked to program, but I never really got the hang of using a GUI. So when Windows came, I became a user and nothing more. Later moved to MacOS, still as a user. In recent years I picked up my hobby again. Learned Linux and MacOS CLI.

At the moment I would call myself still a beginner, but maybe in certain areas I have moved to a bit more advanced than that.

No matter how much I like Linux, or any other O/S, it is a tool for other things for me. My main use is learning Rust, and fooling around with the device. So I connected things like a SenseHAT, DSI Touchscreens, a CSI camera, NVMe drive, and so on. Not that I know what to do with it, but just to learn stuff.

My work setup is simple, provided by my employer: a MS Windows/Intel laptop
My main hobby setup is a bit of a mess: one MacBook Air M3 (MacOS), two Raspberry Pi's (Debian/Pi OS), an eeePC (lUbuntu), a ZX Spectrum Next (NextZXOS) and a TRS-80 (NewDos/80)

Hello @abmvk,
Welcome to the Linux.org forum. Enjoy!
Hi @abmvk ,

Welcome aboard.

I'm pretty sure the part of your sig where it says, "... Z80 assembly ... C ... dBase IV... " takes you out of "beginner" land. Although, really... "dBase IV"... That kind of makes you a noob. ;)
Hi @abmvk ,

Welcome aboard.

I'm pretty sure the part of your sig where it says, "... Z80 assembly ... C ... dBase IV... " takes you out of "beginner" land. Although, really... "dBase IV"... That kind of makes you a noob. ;)
I straten with dBase III, but I didn't think anyone would know the difference anyway :D
Not yet, I did get around Asylum though

It's definitely abandonware at this point, so you shouldn't have any issues finding a disk image out there.
G'day @abmvk from Down Under and welcome.

We have a small but growing number of Members from Nederlands - I cannot identify them for privacy reasons, but they may make themselves known to you over time.

Enjoy your Linux.

Chris Turner
Welcome from Florida - I guess I should have introduced myself as well I was on hear about a year ago now but took a hiatus for awhile - use to be Lord Boltar but did not want to come back as that I also ended my Expirion Linux project all save one and the is LXQt version which can be found on my new project called Debian-Redux
Welcome to the Forum.
Welcome from Florida - I guess I should have introduced myself as well I was on hear about a year ago now but took a hiatus for awhile - use to be Lord Boltar but did not want to come back as that I also ended my Expirion Linux project all save one and the is LXQt version which can be found on my new project called Debian-Redux
Thanks @GatorsFan for letting us know. I had wondered about Expirion.
And hello to @abmvk :)

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